Today in Digital Video I realized that anything is possible. Watching the videos made me feel for the first time that I had a connection to film and video making. It all seemed possible. Even the George Orwell (Orson Welles to the rest of you) film seemed like something I could make. David's clips from the visual narrative reminded me of my short stories that I haven't made in decades. David Lynch's Rabbits and Gummo also were interesting to see. I am not sure how it all fit together, but it did. Thanks to David, Joy and Justin for the clips!
Yeah, you were doing those way before Photoshop! I liked that one that was about doing a photo shoot, the model was late and improvisation ensued.
Those were pre-Photoshop?
Also, Levon, you probably mean Orson Welles. George Orwell wrote 1984 and Animal Farm. But I guess Orwell would be a good nickname for Orson Welles.
Levon, Is that you in that photo??
You look like an actor.
I've always like these works of yours. I think there's a lot going on here that warrants investigation. You can, however, improve on model selection though... I don't know who the guys is, but he sure is one ugly dude... (just kidding...)
well, this one looks pretty new, but didn't you do some cut & paste ones in the 80's Levon? For that "LA The Book" publication?
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