photo: Crows of the Desert/
These are the memories of Levon Yotnakhparian as he joins the Ottoman military and finds himself in the middle of a genocide against his people. This is his story of escape through the desert and subsequent return on a quest to save thousands of other stranded and orphaned Armenians. Illustrated with photos, maps, and documents from the British and Arab High Command, the story reads like a true adventure. If you have read the story of Lawrence of Arabia, you will appreciate this memoir as Levon Yotnakhparian travels the same deserts to Al Aqaba and returns back to Der Zor to find and rescue thousands of stranded Armenians, the aftermath of the first genocide of the 20th century perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks.
Translated from the Armenian by: Victoria Parian
Edited by: Levon Parian
Introduction by: Benjamin Parian (Yotnakhparian)
Published by: Parian Photographic Design 9175 Tujunga Canyon Blvd. Tujunga, California 91042, USA (c) 2012 lparian7@gmail.com Currantly available at: Abril Book Store, 415 E Broadway # 102 Glendale, CA 91205 (818) 243-4112 www.abrilbooks.com/
photo: Crows of the Desert
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